Bócio e Auto-hemoterapia - O resultado da auto-hemoterapia foi analisado ... em 1.000 casos de bócio na Universidade Nacional de Seul
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Kilsoo Park, M.D. Autohemotherapy of Goiter - Department of General Surgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
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KMID : 0371319750170060045
1975년 17권 6호 p.45 ~ p.52
갑상선종과 자가혈액요법
Goiter and Autohemotherapy
朴貴媛/Park, Kwi Won
- Abstract -
The result of autohemotherapy was analyzed, which was tried to the 1, 000 cases of goiter at Seoul National University Hospital from March 1959 to July 1971.
1. Out of 1, 000 cases of goiter, by clinical impression, simple goiter is 68.9%, toxic goiter 24.4%, benign tumor 3.3%, malignant tumor 7.6%, acute thyroiditis 0.5%, and thyroglossal duck cyst.
2. The overall sex ratio of male and female in goiter is 1:12.4. The ratio is 1: 15.0 in simple goiter, 1: 10. 1 in toxic goiter, 1:32 in benign tumor, and 1:5.9 in malignant tumor.
3. The mean age of goiter patients is 33.2 years old of age. It is 34.7 in male and 33.0 in female. The mean age for simple goiter is 31.8, toxic goiter 32.6, benign tumor 39.0 and malignant tumor 41.9 years of age.
4. The result of autohemotherapy. Complete recovery is noticed in 58.9% of diffuse simple goiter, 30.0% of nodular simple goiter, 48:1% of diffuse toxic goiter, and 33.7% of nodular toxic goiter. 41,1%0 of diffuse simple goiter, 44.4% of nodular simple goiter, 50.0% in diffuse toxic goiter, and 58.9% of nodular toxic goiter were improved.
5. Duration of recovery was 4.2.months in diffuse simple goiter, 5.1 months in nodular simple goiter, 10.9 months in diffuse toxic goiter and 10.4 months in nodular goiter, 20 cases of exophthalmos in toxic goiter were clinically cured in 9~24 months.
6. Recurrences occurred in 15.9% of completely recovered diffuse simple goiter, 9.6% of nodular simple goiter, 12% of diffuse toxic goiter, and 21.9% of nodular toxic goiter, but repeated autohemotherapy has effectively cured such recurrences within 3 months.
7. 27 among 71 cases of unresponded nodular simple goiter were operated on and 59.2% were benign tumor and 40.8% malignant. 2 among 7 cases of unresponded nodular toxic goiter were operated on and one was benign tumor and the other malignant.
8. If clinically tumor is strongly suspected, operation was recommended without autohemo-therapy 11 among 34 cases of benign tumors, which were operated on were histologically all benign tumors and 34 among 74 cases of malignant tumors, which were operated on, were, malignant except one case of lymphatic cyst.
- Key Words -
- 원문 및 링크아웃 정보 -
1975년 17권 6호 p.45 ~ p.52
갑상선종과 자가혈액요법
Goiter and Autohemotherapy
朴貴媛/Park, Kwi Won
- Abstract -
The result of autohemotherapy was analyzed, which was tried to the 1, 000 cases of goiter at Seoul National University Hospital from March 1959 to July 1971.
1. Out of 1, 000 cases of goiter, by clinical impression, simple goiter is 68.9%, toxic goiter 24.4%, benign tumor 3.3%, malignant tumor 7.6%, acute thyroiditis 0.5%, and thyroglossal duck cyst.
2. The overall sex ratio of male and female in goiter is 1:12.4. The ratio is 1: 15.0 in simple goiter, 1: 10. 1 in toxic goiter, 1:32 in benign tumor, and 1:5.9 in malignant tumor.
3. The mean age of goiter patients is 33.2 years old of age. It is 34.7 in male and 33.0 in female. The mean age for simple goiter is 31.8, toxic goiter 32.6, benign tumor 39.0 and malignant tumor 41.9 years of age.
4. The result of autohemotherapy. Complete recovery is noticed in 58.9% of diffuse simple goiter, 30.0% of nodular simple goiter, 48:1% of diffuse toxic goiter, and 33.7% of nodular toxic goiter. 41,1%0 of diffuse simple goiter, 44.4% of nodular simple goiter, 50.0% in diffuse toxic goiter, and 58.9% of nodular toxic goiter were improved.
5. Duration of recovery was 4.2.months in diffuse simple goiter, 5.1 months in nodular simple goiter, 10.9 months in diffuse toxic goiter and 10.4 months in nodular goiter, 20 cases of exophthalmos in toxic goiter were clinically cured in 9~24 months.
6. Recurrences occurred in 15.9% of completely recovered diffuse simple goiter, 9.6% of nodular simple goiter, 12% of diffuse toxic goiter, and 21.9% of nodular toxic goiter, but repeated autohemotherapy has effectively cured such recurrences within 3 months.
7. 27 among 71 cases of unresponded nodular simple goiter were operated on and 59.2% were benign tumor and 40.8% malignant. 2 among 7 cases of unresponded nodular toxic goiter were operated on and one was benign tumor and the other malignant.
8. If clinically tumor is strongly suspected, operation was recommended without autohemo-therapy 11 among 34 cases of benign tumors, which were operated on were histologically all benign tumors and 34 among 74 cases of malignant tumors, which were operated on, were, malignant except one case of lymphatic cyst.
- Key Words -
- 원문 및 링크아웃 정보 -
PUBLICAÇÃO NO AMIGOS DA CURA em 10 dezembro 2012 às 22:55
Bócio e Auto-hemoterapia
O resultado da auto-hemoterapia foi analisada. Que foi tentado os 1.000 casos de bócio na Universidade Nacional de Seul Hospital de março de 1959 a julho de 1971. 1. Dos 1.000 casos de bócio; por impressão clínica, bócio simples é de 68,9% t bócio tóxico 24,4%, 3,3% tumor benigno, tumor maligno de 7,6%, a tireoidite aguda de 0,5%, e cisto de ducto tireoglosso 0,3%. 2. A razão sexual total do masculino e feminino em bócio é uma: 12.4. A relação é de 1: 15,0 de bócio simples, 1: 10,1 em bócio tóxico, 1: 32 em tumor benigno, e 1: 5,9 em tumores malignos. 3. A idade média dos pacientes bócio é 33,2 anos de idade de idade. É em 34,7 e 33,0 macho na fêmea. A média de idade é 31,8 bócio simples, bócio tóxico 32,6, 39,0 tumor benigno e maligno tumor 41,9 anos de idade. 4. O resultado da auto-hemoterapia, a recuperação completa é observado em 58,9% de bócio simples difuso, 30,0% de bócio nodular simples, 48,1% de bócio difuso tóxico, e 33,7% de bócio nodular tóxico. 4j, 1% de bócio simples difuso, 44,4% de bócio nodular simples, 50,0% em bócio difuso tóxico, e 58,9% de bócio nodular tóxico foram melhorados. 5. O tempo de recuperação foi de 4,2 meses em bócio simples difuso, 5,1 meses em bócio nodular simples, 10,9 meses em bócio difuso tóxico e 10,4 meses em bócio nodular, 20 casos de exoftalmia em bócio tóxico foram clinicamente curado em 9 ~ 24 meses. 6. As recidivas ocorreram em 15,9% dos completamente recuperado bócio difuso simples, 9,6% de bócio nodular simples, 12% de bócio difuso tóxico, e 2j, 9% de bócio nodular tóxico, mas repetiu auto-hemoterapia foi efetivamente curado tais recorrências dentro de 3 meses. 7. 27 entre 71 casos de bócio simples unresponded nodular foram operados e 59,2% eram tumor benigno e maligno 40,8%. 2 entre 7 casos de unresponded bócio nodular tóxico foram operados e foi um tumor benigno e maligno do outro. 8. Se clinicamente tumor é fortemente suspeita, a operação foi recomendado sem autohemo-terapia. 11 entre 34 casos de tumores benignos que foram operados foram histologicamente todos os tumores benignos e 34 entre os 74 casos de tumores malignos, que foram operados, eram malignos, exceto um caso de cisto linfático.
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