quinta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2017


O professor explica a eficácia da Auto-hemoterapia em casos de Papiloma. E na reportagem ele faz uma aplicação de Auto-hemoterapia.


Globo Rural: Domingo, 25/12/2011
VIDEO: Como cuidar de verrugas que aparecem nas tetas da vaca

O Professor Antonio Candido mostra um tipo de tratamento chamado Auto-hemoterapia
Ele retira o sangue da veia do animal e recoloca no músculo
Se fizer este tratamento 1 vez por semana por 2,3,4 semanas,
você vai observar que o papiloma começa a secar,
ele começa a secar, e vai caindo...

A Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) é uma instituição pública de pesquisa vinculada ao Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento do Brasil.


A reportagem do vídeo foi gravada na EMPRAPA gado de leite em Coronel Pacheco, Estado de MG.

QUANDO O VÍDEO ESTAVA PUBLICADO NO CANAL worldautohemotherapy, postei a informação no Blog do médico veterinário Rafael Silva de Souza, e ele comentou:

Nossa que legal essa reportagem do globo rural. Fiz estágio com o Dr. Antonio Candido em 2005. Foi o estágio curricular de final de curso de medicina veterinária, sobre manejo sanitário e reprodutivo de gado de leite. Bom ver que ele está firme na labuta!


Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Brasília, DF, Brazil
Médico veterinário graduado em 2005 pela UPIS-DF, curso de especialização em clínica médica e cirúrgica de pequenos animais pelo instituto qualittas em 2010. 




The professor explains the efficacy of Autohemotherapy in cases of Papilloma. And in the report he does an auto-hemotherapy application.

Video Transcription

Mrs. Tereza Cunha, from city of Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
She wrote at the request of his father, Mr. Abilio
She said that, the cow pitchula is, with teats full of warts,
As you can see in the picture.
We will see what can be done.
Mrs. Tereza, we came in EMBRAPA: DAIRY CATTLE, in the city of Coronel Pacheco,
MG state, to talk with an expert about the problem of your Pitchula.
Who is here beside me, is the veterinary Antonio Candido.
Doctor Antonio, what is that in the Pitchula?
By the photo sent by Mrs. Tereza, all features would be papilloma.
These papillomas are warts that grow on the skin of these animals.
This is an infectious disease transmitted by a virus,
and passing from one animal to another.
And also be transmitted if the trough, the fence, and the trunk, are contaminated.
Is there a danger of the virus passing to humans?
To the extent that I am aware, no.
What is the harm to an animal that is attacked by this virus?
Look, depends on the size of the lesion.
Occasionally, sometimes the skin of animal is so affected,
that harms its health.
The animal begins to lose weight he will lose strength.
In some cases, we have news, it is enough to cause the death of this animal.
Is there a treatment Doctor?
Look, there is. In the market we find various products to combat papilloma,
including vaccines. But none of them have 100 percent effective.
There is not a categorically treatment. You will do this and the papilloma of the animal will disappear. No, not yet.
Professor Antonio Candido shows a type of treatment called Auto-hemotherapy.
He draws blood from vein of the animal, and replaces in the muscle.
If you do this treatment once a week,
for two, three, four weeks, you will observe that the papilloma begins to dry.
He begins to dry and will fall.
But I want to emphasize, only if it is worth doing it zoo-technically talking.
Because it is always a danger to have an animal in the herd with many papillomas.
Today you have a problem. Tomorrow you can have ten, twenty. Is not it?
So this is a very complicated thing. You have to analyze well,
to see whether it is worthwhile to continue treating the animal.
The animal on treatment, must be isolated of the flock.
And it is always recommended to look a veterinarian, to diagnose and provide a more appropriate management.


The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA - Portuguese: Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária) is a state-owned research corporation affiliated with the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture.


The video report was recorded at EMBRAPA dairy cattle in Coronel Pacheco, State of MG.


Veterinarian Rafael Silva de Souza commented on the video of Globo (on his blog):

Rafael Silva de Souza said ...

Wow, that's a nice story from the rural globe. I had an internship with Dr. Antonio Candido in 2005. It was the end-of-course veterinary medicine traineeship course on sanitary and reproductive management of dairy cattle. Good to see that he is firm in the toil!

Video link Youtube
